More drama at the construction site of the future Patricia & Philip Frost Museum of Science in Downtown's Museum Park. Kirlin Florida, a subsidiary of Kirlin Group, has joined Suffolk Construction and other contractors having filed suit in Miami-Dade County Circuit County. The suit alleges that design errors by architects and engineers forced the construction companies to backtrack on their work, making progress difficult and running costs. The design team also did not meet deadlines revising construction plans which then delayed the contractors from meeting their deadlines. Kirlin’s suit names Rodriguez and Architects Chartered, Fraga Engineers, Grimshaw Architects and DDA Engineers. The suit does not name the museum, which is a nonprofit and is located on county-owned land. There are three other currently active suits against the museum’s design team including from Suffolk, Baker Concrete Construction and Formrite Construction. The press team for the museum is holding to a December 2016 completion with an early 2017 opening date.