The Miami City Commission has approved the Savino Miller Design Studio-designed design guidelines for the Miami Baywalk, a priority of the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) and achievement that has been over 40 years in the making. The effort dates back to the 1979 Dan Paul ordinance requiring 50-foot setbacks along the waterfront and requiring developers to build and maintain a 25-foot wide public promenade.
The Miami-based Savino Miller Design Studio was selected by the Downtown Development Authority to design the baywalk in 2017. The approved design will make the Baywalk one uniform pathway that is well lit and aesthetically attractive. The design provides resiliency and is both functional and sustainable to protect the shoreline. The pedestrian pathway will also be well lit for safety as well as feature public art and lush landscaping.
The vote amends the City's Miami 21 code to include required design guidelines, carrying big implications for developers planning future projects along the water. From this point forward, any permits pulled for new development or significant renovations to existing properties will have to abide by the ‘Waterfront Walkway Design Guidelines’ that provide a clear and cohesive vision for the design and construction for both the Baywalk and Riverwalk. The 4.5 mile baywalk and riverwalk will feature a uniform plan for seating, paving, lighting, landscaping, etc. Areas zoned for singe-family homes and duplexes will be exempt from the guidelines.
Resiliency plan for Baywalk
Maurice Ferre Park Baywalk
Pink lighting along Bayfront Park
Maurice Ferre Park Baywalk
Brickell Baywalk
Brickell Baywalk
Bayfront Park Promenade
Bayside to Port Bridge Connection
Port Bridge Underpass
Sea Isle Marina Baywalk
First Miami Presbyterian Church
First Miami Presbyterian Church
Renderings via Savino Miller Design Studio