Moishe Mana has secured a $20.13 million construction loan to build Mana Wynwood Americas-Asia Trade Center & International Financial Center. The financing was provided by Centennial Bank to Malux Realty, Malka Realty and Mizrachi Holdings for properties at 2337 Northwest Fifth Avenue, 375 Northwest 23rd Street, 394 Northwest 24th Street and 382 Northwest 24th Street. Mana plans to build Mana Wynwood Americas-Asia Trade Center & International Financial Center which will feature 10 million SF of commercial space as a trade hub to encourage and facilitate trade between China, Asia, Latin America, North America and the Caribbean. The project will be built in multiple phases with phase 1 including developing 8.5 acres of Wynwood with 4.68 million SF of Class A office space, showrooms, retail, hotels and public space. The total project In 2016 Mana's special area plan for Wynwood was approved covering nearly 40 acres including 51,000 SF of civic space, 3,500 residential units, 8,500 parking spots, the 2.5 acre Mana Commons private park.